Welcome to RINGO!

Welcome to the website for the Research and Independent Non-Governmental Organizations (RINGO) constituency to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). RINGO is one of nine NGO constituencies recognized by the UNFCCC.  We are the second largest constituency, comprising 25% of the 2000 admitted NGOs.

Left: Delegates from Washington University in St. Louis manning the Young RINGOs booth at COP21  Right: Tracy Bach, RINGO Co-Focal Point distributes tickets at a daily RINGO meeting at COP23

This website is meant to help you engage with the UNFCCC.

  • At “About RINGOS,” you’ll find more background on our constituency, including the Steering Committee members who lead it and the UNFCCC’s list of RINGOs.
  • At “Get Involved,” you’ll find further opportunities to participate inside and outside the UNFCCC.
  • Our website also archives meeting notes taken by RINGO members and RINGO statements made at past meetings.
  • You may contact the RINGO focal points, Tracy Bach and Beth Martin, if you have any questions.

RINGO distributes announcements and updates via an announcement-only listserv. Click for information on how to join the listserv.

See the website footer for the previous five blog posts conveying information about events.